01. Daisy Jones & The Six - Look at Us Now (Honeycomb) MP3
02. Linkin Park - Lost MP3
03. Fall Out Boy - Love from the Other Side MP3
04. Paramore - This Is Why MP3
05. All Time Low - Sleepwalking MP3
06. illenium - Insanity MP3
07. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Eddie MP3
08. Highly Suspect - Natural Born Killer MP3
09. Meet...
01. Daisy Jones & The Six - Look at Us Now (Honeycomb) MP3
02. Linkin Park - Lost MP3
03. Fall Out Boy - Love from the Other Side MP3
04. Paramore - This Is Why MP3
05. 100 gecs - Hollywood Baby MP3
06. All Time Low - Sleepwalking MP3
07. illenium - Insanity MP3
08. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Eddie MP3
09. Highly Suspect...