Hard Techno
Cristian Glitch - Aliens (Alessan Main Remix) [Parallel Thoughts] FLAC
Cristian Glitch - Aliens (Alessan Main Remix) [Parallel Thoughts] MP3
Cristian Glitch - Aliens (Noemi Black Remix) [Parallel Thoughts] FLAC
Cristian Glitch - Aliens (Noemi Black Remix) [Parallel Thoughts] MP3
Cristian Glitch - Aliens (Puncher Remix) [Parallel Thoughts] FLAC
Cristian Glitch - Aliens (Puncher Remix) [Parallel Thoughts] MP3
Cristian Glitch - Aliens (Ron Impro Remix) [Parallel Thoughts] FLAC
Cristian Glitch - Aliens (Ron Impro Remix) [Parallel Thoughts] MP3
Cristian Glitch - Aliens (Sonico Remix) [Parallel Thoughts] FLAC
Cristian Glitch - Aliens (Sonico Remix) [Parallel Thoughts] MP3
Cristian - Junkie (Absentia ARG Remix) [Underground BeatCode Records] MP3
Cristian - Junkie (MAAG Remix) [Underground BeatCode Records] MP3
Cristian - Junkie (OOOOØ ЯENDON Remix) [Underground BeatCode Records] MP3
Cristian - Junkie (Your Momma Naked Remix) [Underground BeatCode Records] MP3
David Moleon - Creature MP3
HomeMort & Os Sacres - Mephistopheles (Distorted Planet Remix) [HomeMort] MP3
K-Deey - Ravewave [LETS TECHNO records] MP3
K-Deey - Retroviseur [LETS TECHNO records] MP3
Regrowth - Memorial (Vlaysin Remix) [HomeMort] MP3
Renmin Ribao - Crush (Dark Chambers Remix) [HomeMort] MP3
Rite - Wasteland (Rorganic Remix) [HomeMort] MP3
Toni Alvarez - Gate from Hell [Dolma Records] MP3
Toni Alvarez - Gate from Hell (Samuel L Session Remix) [Dolma Records] MP3
Virus D.D.D - Commando MP3
Virus D.D.D - Precisionism MP3
Virus D.D.D - Quantitative Methods MP3
Virus D.D.D - Salvation MP3
Alessio Conti - Inconscious MP3
Alex Howl - Other Dimension MP3
Andrea Guarneri - Even If It Hurts MP3
AXBLA - Corvus MP3
Cristian - Universe MP3
Denis Hrasovec - Diffraction MP3
Domingo Caballero - Infiltration MP3
DRWNDSPDR - The Knowing MP3
Flo Monghy - Pulse MP3
iMike - Difference Between Us MP3
Jeremias Clerici - Masterpiece MP3
Joe Cozzo & Chris Khaos - Command MP3
KELLERKINDER RZS - Melodic Industrial Techno MP3
KESLOCK - Mindtherapy MP3
MikeNorman - GraveYard MP3
Miro Dark - Show Me MP3
Myth Sequence - Bad Eternal MP3
Radiorobotek - Kirpichi MP3
Ralph Chalhoub - Color MP3
Rez A - Did You Get Any Sleep MP3
RPTR - Pandemonium MP3
Ruud S - Another Life MP3
Safron - Tornado MP3
SAINT - Astronaut MP3
SEB (BE) - Sax Party MP3
Sirch & William Kiss - Delhi MP3
Terra4Beat - I Say Rave (Lash HU Remix) MP3
Terra4Beat - Whispa or Loudly MP3
Vitor Teixeira - Research MP3
WSTND - Devil Gate 666 MP3
Hekum - Niente x Niente MP3
Jiman - The Following Symptoms MP3
Omnia Vox - Semiprime77 MP3
Teo Drean - Prosperidad MP3